20 artists — one special night!
A celebration of River Rep’s artists and audience, featuring the River Rep ensemble and a talented lineup of local and visiting artists, the 2nd Annual Gala Benefit will include musical performances and scenes from River Rep’s 2025 season opener, the beloved fantasy classic The Neverending Story, Harold Pinter’s Betrayal, Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest, and much more!
A full buffet will be served with delicious food from top Sullivan Catskills restaurants. A cash bar will be open throughout the event. A Silent Auction will launch online in early April and continue through Gala night, where patrons can bid on a variety of goods and services from local artists and businesses.
Seating is limited, reserve early!
Saturday, April 26 at 6pm at the Delaware Valley Opera Center
Tickets $50 in advance, $65 at the door.

A lonely young boy with a love of books becomes drawn into a timeless world of fabulous creatures — a world that only he can save from certain destruction
This magical tale of the trials of childhood and the triumph of imagination will delight and inspire the whole family.
Coming in June

The Thanksgiving Play serves up the laughs
Larissa’s FastHorse’s savagely funny satire left audiences with a smorgasbord of things to talk about!

‘Art’ is in the eye of the beholder
Yasmina Reza’s witty contemporay classic delighted audiences in River Rep’s Season 2024 opener.

“Both plays are incredibly well crafted, both actors superbly suited to their roles, and both are so well staged and directed.”
Read Jonathan Charles Fox’s review of Sea Wall & The Catastrophist in The River Reporter

“Watching from the sidelines, you could easily envision shades of Brave New World and the groudbreaking flick Metropolis.”
River Rep’s classroom partnership program with Homestead School featured in The River Reporter

Audacious programming that engages and entertains
Consider donating to River Rep and help us fulfill our mission to serve local communities in the Sullivan Catskills.